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Kerala (English Medium) Questions

Total Questions 4624
The sidee of a square pyramid are all equal.find the ratio between its slant height & height?
The lateral edge of a square pyramid is 15 cm & base edge 18cm.find its lateral surface area?
I don't know how to prove something by Mathematical Induction. I can find the answer upto P(k). After that,P(k+1), I'm getting freaked up by that! Could someone please explain the steps I should follow to get the right answer?
Compare globe and map?
Compare globe and map?
the central angle of a circle is (3,4)and it passes through the point (2,5).what is its radies
2 raise to 2+2 raise to 3 =12 how do we get this answer?And how do we find the powers of 2 and 3 or any other number? Please can you explain.
How will be the image of a circle with central angle (3,4) when passes through the point (2,5)?
what is medulla oblogata
How do we add 2 raise to 2 and 2 raise to 3.
what is the germination of a seed?
Convert 31?/3 radian into degree measure
How is the difference in temperature affect the proliferative potential of germs?
what is DNA?
What is chemical equilibrium?
what is mean by path function?
what is mean by b.p?
application of impulsive force? give example